Hotel Uterus

Friday, April 13, 2007

Allow me to step up on my birthing soap box once again. But first, welcome to the world E.C.! My new neice to arrived this afternoon and also inspired this post.

My dear sister tripped on the last two stairs last night falling on her stomach. She recovered in a minute and went about getting ready for bed. In the morning she felt a little nausea and thought that perhaps the fall had spurred the onset of labor. (officially, she was due next week). Feeling the baby move a little less than usual she called the doctor who brought her in for a routine stress test. In the course of an hour a cesarian birth was ordered and completed as a clot was found to have formed between the placenta and E.C.

I just spoke with my sister, midnight her time, who said they were in the process of moving E.C. to another hospital with a NICU unit. My sister seemed to think that everything was fine and this was just cautinary on the part of the hospital. The downside, she has not yet seen E.C.

It was this information that left me sitting weepy on the couch unable to fathom being separated so abruptly from the very being I carried for so many months.

It is in this moment I'd like to say to the hospitals:

There is a place for hospitals but they rarely derserve a place in the birthing realm. They have instilled a culture of fear into women. They have set themselves up to 'rescue' the baby from its dangerous mother carrier. ick. I get so disgusted.

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