The Weekend Review
I totally gained stepmom points on Friday when Ke'ano was having trouble achieving 'emo' hair and quite frustrated before school in the morning. He had been planning on getting his emo style on for school and couldn't get his curly hair to cooperate. Enter me and my flat iron skills. I got the bangs to nicely slant over his eye as requested. He now can't wait to purchase his own slip on vans and tight black pants. We put our foot down on wearing black eyeliner...

Ale asked me to make him a hat in the afternoon. I wasn't quite sure what to do or use and then came up with this fun solution:

Saturday involved a fun outing to Fontucky where David competed in his first bike race in nearly two years. Ale couldn't wait to get there so he could eat...big shocker there.

David finished ninth in his category. Not bad for two years off and one bout of Pneumonia six weeks ago. This is him on his way to the finish line:

David's little brother and Ke'ano's life long friend has been staying with us since Friday. He and Ke'ano supplied David's water during the race since I didn't get out there until it had already started.

David's friend Edwin also competed in a different category. He didn't fall at all and only threw up once!

I went to a friend's blessing way at night and when I came back David had set the tent up in the backyard for the boys. Some things just scream SUMMERTIME and backyard camping has got to be one of them.

They loved it and stayed out all night long. I'm sure this is going to become the new standard for their sleepovers.
What is a blessing?
blessing way. mother blessing. not a baby shower but a time to celebrate the mother to be...etc...
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