On April 22 2006 I woke up very early in the morning to eat cornflakes and write emails to fill the pre dawn hours. My back began to hurt every so often. After an hour I realized that I was actually contracting. I timed them for the next hour before calling my midwife to tell her I thought I was in labor. I woke David up a while later. He didn't believe me at first since my due date was still 2 weeks out. He soon realized I wasn't joking and jumped out of bed full of nervous energy. He made me waffles as I would stand and hold the table swaying my hips hula style during every contraction. Margo and Kelly arrived a little after 11 am and confirmed I was infact in labor.
I tried to watch a movie (Capote) but was way too out of it to be able to focus on the story. I called Tiffany to tell her it was time for her to come over and could she pick up strawberries and brie cheese on her way. (Random, I know). I stopped contracting shortly after the midwives had arrived. "Labcoat syndrom" I later discoverd (That is to say that I stopped progressing because I was being watched). I was given a homeopathic remedy, Margo and Kelly left with instructions to call when labor picked up again. It only took an hour before I my water broke in the tub and full blown labor began. Everyone returned, I threw up a couple times and started pushing. 2 hours later at 6:15 pm Ale Romero entered the world. Life has never been the same.
Happy Birthday love bug! You are three today!

one year
two years
1 comment:
What a lovely telling of the story of Ale's birth. You are excellent at it!
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