Hotel Uterus

Friday, January 01, 2010

A perfect beginning to a new year. We gathered the bikes, the kids and all the stuff we needed to schlep along with us and headed out to the beach bright and early ahem, 11 ish or so. It only took us 35 minutes to make it out of Pasadena because we made one bad turn not taking into consideration that the parade had just finished.
It was a gorgeous day. We parked at Dockweiler State Beach and road all the way Hermosa beach where we ate sub par Mexican on the beach. Due to the rain last week the sky was clearer than I'd seen it in a long time. We could see snow on Baldy all the way from the ocean. So beautiful. Happy 2010.


Barbara said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to welcome the new year.

PB said...

Wow! Up at the crack of noon! You ARE getting hard core...Snow? At ain't no snow;I'll show you snow! I just cleared the drive way for the 4th time and the everything is shaping up for the perfect storm which of course hits this evening; always on Saturday night it seems. VERY frustrating when you are a pastor. Reeeee! Happy New Year indeed!