Hotel Uterus

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I've said it before and I'll say it again--Nothing makes the passage of time more obvious than watching a baby grow during its first year of life. Max turned one on earth day. Fuser and I are really trying to figure out how be celebratory in life, especially with our children and special occasions. We didn't think presents were necessary and instead opted to buy a tree in honor of Max's first. Fuser took Max to the nursery on Saturday, the day before his birthday, to pick out a tree. They decided on a red seedless grapevine as grapes seem to be Max's favorite food of choice right now.

We had thought that we might get up early Sunday morning and plant Max's tree and also bury his placenta which has been in our freezer for the past year, and quite frankly I was ready to get it out. Here's the conundrum: we don't own our home, our landlord just passed away, and we don't really feel "settled" here in this house. We didn't want to plant a tree or the placenta here knowing it wasn't really any place special to us. However, after imagining what we might look like, traipsing out into the woods, pick ax, frozen human organ, and baby in tow, we opted to plant it in our backyard, plant the vine in a pot, and sprinkle wild flowers where the placenta was buried. Not an ideal plan but fine in light of our circumstances.

Max was cranky most of his birthday. Fuser's dad and brothers came over, I made tostadas and a Tres Leches birthday cake which even impressed me.

We did end up buying one book for Max as I think that might also be a nice tradition to begin. The choice? Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.


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